Saturday, August 25, 2012

Cleaning Day!

Today as lots of fun - and lots of work! It also started off COLD! I think we had our first freeze last night - not horrible, but somewhere between 30 and 31 degrees. wonder I woke up freezing with the window open next to me!!!

We actually slept in this morning, and then took the morning to mostly relax. Michael had some online training he had to get done for work, and the girls and I read our books, lounging around on the porch or next to the window - soaking up the sunshine. What a wonderful way to start a Saturday! Then...we headed to the store, got about $75 worth of cleaning supplies, ran a couple of errands - and went to clean our new house! We don't sign and close until next week, but were able to get permission to get in today and do some cleaning. 

It was so much fun being in the house and working together to get it ready! We wiped down every single kitchen cupboard and drawer - usually after vacuuming all the junk up first, then scrubbing the rest! We vacuumed all the floors in the entire house (a slow job with the tiny vacuum we have here!) - and mopped all the hard floors. We cleaned all the toilets super well, and the girls wiped down all the counters, as well as washed all the windows and mirrors (at least as high up as they could reach that is!) We also cleaned out the stove, wiped down several other places, and changed the batteries in the (annoyingly) beeping smoke alarms. All in all - it was quite a feeling of accomplishment!

We realized that this is the first time we have done this prior to moving into a house all on our own. Every other time we have prepared to move into a house, we have had tons of friends and family that have pitched in to help. Oddly enough, that wasn't as sad or lonely as I expected. In fact, there was some small sense of adventure and closeness as a family, tackling the job before us together. Just us against the world, so to speak. And it gave me a new appreciation and realization of how much my girls are growing up - and how much help they are now! My investment in them is paying off! All those years of cleaning up after them, and now they not only can help - but they can help a LOT!!! 

We also enjoyed all the new discoveries of what our new house has! Each new little discovery was so much fun - and I can't wait to be moving in next week and nesting in our new home...

I was so busy cleaning that I didn't think to take any pictures there - but here are a couple pictures of the girls. Amy snuggling with Daddy while he worked - and wanting me to take a picture! And Katie showing her balancing skills on what we call our "portable massage tool" - so great on sore backs and necks! Or...just to balance and play on!

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