Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A restful down day...

After the pace of life these past couple of months, it was actually quite nice to be stranded in a minimally furnished rental with no vehicle, and no to do list! I think it was a much needed and refreshing time to just be lazy and relax! After lunch though, we decided we'd had enough laziness for so beautiful day, and decided to go out for a walk. We didn't go far - or for two long, but had a great time! The weather was just perfect! Here is a picture from the outside of our rental that is home for the next couple of weeks. Really quite nice and comfortable...although I am quite happy to not be buying it considering a few small issues (like mice visitors in the pantry, a hole rotting through the floor in the master bedroom next to the bathroom, some missing roof shingles, etc...)

One of the things I have discovered that I love about Wyoming already is the sky...it is just so BIG, and there is so much of it! I love how you can see literally for MILES - and see the storms or clouds way off on the horizon. And I love the shadows of the clouds on the distant hills...makes this heart happy...

And...there is a little bit of grass around - just not green or soft like in Washington! Almost looks like wheat - but still pretty in a golden sort of way!

Our biggest mistake on our walk was starting off by heading down the road in the downhill direction. This was actually pretty good when we were starting...but then we had to climb back up the hill to get back home. This turned out to be the first time I noticed the lower oxygen levels at our altitude of 7,200 feet. It wasn't that steep a climb at all, and we were taking our time and not hurrying - but I still found myself feeling a bit more out of breath than usual.

They had to strike a pose! I couldn't get a picture of Amy without her hair in her face because of the wind. I love the wind - so I didn't mind at all, but it wasn't so easy to see if you had your hair down! Next time I plan to bring a ponytail holder for myself.

{{{Sigh}}} I love how much they love each other! And I am so blessed with these two girls! I keep telling them that the best part about moving to Wyoming is that I get to take them with me. They always smile when I say that!

And of course, when we got back, for some reason the lock on our door wouldn't work! I had locked the deadbolt using our one and only door key, and when we came back it wouldn't open! The key fit and turned, but it wouldn't do anything. Figures that I had taken my camera instead of my cell phone along...but fortunately we had a couple of windows open - so I sent Amy through the window to let us in! 

Having gotten some fresh air and exercise, I felt a little more invigorated and folded some laundry, did some dishes, and put some more things away. I love how taking a walk makes me more inspired to accomplish things!

And it feels like it has been forever since I have taken time during the day to make a little treat for the girls that requires more than a few moments of effort...so I made them some popcorn to eat while watching a movie! I actually enjoyed it quite a bit too! It truly is the little things...

Michael was able to borrow a work truck for a couple of days - so today I have his truck. I am planning on heading out and having some fun with the freedom today! 

1 comment:

  1. Wyoming is beautiful!!! Kind of reminds me of eastern WA..... Except you can see a lot farther!!! :) Love you!!
