Thursday, September 6, 2012


I kind of love thunderstorms - a LOT!!! And I was feeling a little like I was missing out down here, because in the 4 weeks that Michael was down here on his own, there were lots of thunderstorms, or so he told me. Then I was down here, and nothing. So on Saturday when we were working hard on our unpacking, I was quite delighted with the dark stormy clouds, and a great thunderstorm. Most of it stayed in the distance, but I'm still glad I got to at least enjoy it. And it makes me look forward even more to the next storms - that are hopefully very many!

I really love how far away I can see a storm coming - and you can tell where it's raining and the front of the storm is. Of course, that makes it more disappointing for me when it misses us, but it is still fun to see it - even in the distance!
Hopefully these videos work - I'm including them even though it is the best video taping! I of course missed all the best lightning, but these ones weren't too bad. And right after the second video, there was the one and only very close flash of lightning, that I also missed because it was in a different direction, but that was also the cue for us to head indoors...didn't want to become a statistic!


  1. I also LOVE the thunderstorms in wide open range like this! It's one of my favorite things about here (of course, I don't love them in August if there is only lightning with no rain LOL). Thanks for sharing!!

  2. You live in such a beautiful place, Heather! I've always heard it referred to as God's Country, and I can see why. I LOVE a good thunderstorm, too! Breathtaking photos! :-)
